Youth Weekly Schedule
Sunday School - 9:30AM
Sunday Night - 6:00PM
Youth Group - 6:30PM
Our Youth Ministry is something much more than getting together a couple of times a week. At Crocker Christian Church we believe in relational ministry. Dustin and our volunteers work to, not only teach our students, but to invest in them. It is our goal to raise this generation of youth up to be better than the generations that have come before. We plan on doing this through working with parents, teaching from scripture, and encouraging God-centered friendships!
On Sunday Mornings we have Youth Sunday School. Jr. High and High school are taught separately and a lesson is prepared to engage them in their current stage of life.
On Sunday Evening, Dustin has prepared a time for the youth to break up their routines and re-energize before jumping back into the craziness that is their week!
Wednesday Nights, we have Youth Group. Dustin teaches the High School and our amazing volunteers lead the Junior High girls and guys in separate classes.