What is Kingdom Kids?
Kingdom Kids is an amazing time for children in kindergarten through grade 5. Kindergarten and first grade meet downstairs. Children in grades 2-5 meet in room 200 upstairs. Throughout the year we have our Back to School Bash, Church Camp, and a Christmas program so our children can share some of what they have been learning!
On Sunday mornings we offer Sunday School, which is split up by age and grade.
During the service, those going to Kingdom Kids will leave after communion and head downstairs to "The Kingdom!" Here our first through fifth graders enjoy a message from scripture prepared just for them! This time is interactive and allows our children to feel involved as they learn more about what the Bible teaches.
On Sunday nights, Kingdom Kids meet for a time of praise and worship, a lesson, and a craft or game to reinforce the point of the lesson. Once a month, the children can shop in our "store" and purchase assorted goodies. They can earn points by their attendance, bringing their Bible, bringing friends, and memorizing Bible verses.
On Wednesday nights we have crafts, prayer time and a strong Biblical lesson.